Boise State offers medical, prescription, dental and vision plans. Learn all about them here. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your friendly Human Resources Benefits team at or give us a call (208) 426-4429.
Medical, Prescription, Dental and Vision
Medical Plans
Information on Medical Plans
View a summary comparison of the medical plan comparison chart.
How much do the Health Plans cost?
Employee contributions for medical and dental coverage are deducted from the first two paychecks each month and go towards insurance costs for the following month. The cost of coverage is based on average hours worked per week. Employees working 30 or more hours per week have a lower cost than those working less than 30 hours per week. Average hours worked are monitored quarterly throughout the year, and premium tier levels may change for part-time employees, based on actual hours worked. View the cost of the health plans here.
Regence Blue Shield
Boise State offers three medical plan options for eligible faculty and staff, administered by Regence Blue Shield: Traditional, PPO, and High Deductible. The faculty or staff member may enroll themselves, spouse and children, up to age 26.
Each plan provides comprehensive medical and prescription drug coverage, with different levels of out of pocket expense and premium costs. Vision and Employee Assistance Plan benefits are included with medical plan enrollment. Deductibles and annual benefit maximums for all plans are applied on the fiscal year, effective July 1 through June 30.
PPO Plan
The PPO provides for In-Network and Out-of-Network benefits for most commonly provided services. After paying an annual deductible, the plan generally pays eighty percent (80%) of most Allowable Charges provided by an In-Network provider. In-Network Physician Office Visits (office exam only) require a $20 copayment and are not subject to the annual deductible. Eligible Out-of-Network services are subject to a separate deductible and are generally reimbursed at sixty percent (60%) of most Allowable Charges.
The PPO plan does not require declaration of a primary care physician or referrals, any provider is acceptable. However, there are financial benefits when using providers who belong to the Regence Blue Shield PPO network. To locate participating providers, refer to the Regence Blue Shield Online Provider directory.
Traditional Plan
This medical plan option features traditional insurance coverage, providing payment of 70% of the Allowable Charges for most covered expenses, after an annual deductible. This plan does not require the use of In-Network providers, however use of Regence Blue Shield participating providers may have lower out of pocket expenses.
High Deductible Plan
This medical plan option features similar insurance coverage to the PPO Plan with both In and Out-of-Network benefits. After paying a higher annual deductible, the plan generally pays eighty percent (80%) of most Allowable Charges provided by an In-Network provider. Eligible Out-of-Network services are subject to the same deductible but are generally reimbursed at sixty percent (60%) of most Allowable Charges once met. This plan does not require the use of In-Network providers, however use of Regence Blue Shield participating providers may have lower out of pocket expenses.
Prescription Drug Plan
Regence Blue Shield – Regence Blue Shield Rx
Prescription drug coverage is included when enrolled in any of the above mentioned medical plans. Coverage provides retail prescription drug benefits through participating pharmacies. PPO and Traditional Plans offer the same pharmacy benefits. The High Deductible plan requires the deductible to be met before reimbursing at 80% of allowable charges in network.
Prescription drug benefits are managed by Regence Blue Shield’s pharmacy benefit manager, Regence Blue Shield Rx.
Network pharmacy list coming soon.
Dental Plan
Blue Cross Dental
Boise State employees enrolled in one of the State’s medical plans will receive automatic dental coverage through Blue Cross of Idaho Dental. Additional coverage for eligible family members must be elected. NOTE: Dental coverage is available only to those enrolled in a State employee medical plan.
How much do the Dental Health Plans Cost?
Employee contributions for medical and dental coverage are deducted from each of the first two paychecks each month, to pay for insurance for the following month. Cost of coverage is based on average hours worked per week; those working 30 or more hours per week have a lower cost than those working less than 30 hours per week. Average hours worked are monitored quarterly throughout the year, and premium tier levels may change for part-time employees, based on actual hours worked.
How does the Blue Cross Dental Plan Work?
With this plan you can use any provider you want — but you may save money when you use providers who belong to the Blue Cross of Idaho network of participating dental providers.
*All preventative services will be covered at 100%. Deductible for non-preventative services is $50.00
To locate participating providers, refer to the Blue Cross of Idaho participating provider directory located at Blue Cross of Idaho.
Declining Dependent Dental
Employees can decline dental coverage for their dependents at any time by selecting -Self Only- in the Dental Enrollment section of the medical/dental enrollment form. Once declined, dependent dental coverage may only be added at the next annual open enrollment period.
Vision Plan
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
State of Idaho Vision Plan
Your Coverage with a VSP in-network provider
VSP® Choice Plan – Adults and dependents 19 years of age and older
Pediatric Vision Coverage with a VSP in-network provider
VSP Elements Plan – Dependents younger than 19 years of age
Participating Vision Providers
Eligible members are not required to use In-Network providers, however, using a provider who belongs to the State VSP plan network may result in lower expenses. Most benefits are paid based on Allowable Charges, meaning the provider will accept plan benefits plus your share (any deductible, coinsurance or co-payments) of the costs as payment in full.
Non-participating Providers may charge more than the plan’s Allowable Charges, leaving the insurance member responsible for any amounts exceeding the Allowable charges plus any deductible and coinsurance amounts. An exception may be made non-participating provider is used for an emergency or because a non-participating provider is the only source of services.
To find Participating Vision Providers, please contact Vision Service Plan, 1-800-877-7195 or go online and Find a VSP Doctor. Go to “Members” and select “Find a VSP Doctor.” A login will be required.